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void main()

{ float pi=3.14,area,perimeter,r=2;





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Q: What is a c program to find the area and perimeter of circle?
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Find the area and perimeter of a given circle?

If 'R' is the radius of the circle, then-- area of the circle is [ pi R2]-- perimeter of the circle is [ 2 pi R ]

Write a program to find the area of circle in c?

PROGRAM TO FIND AREA & PERIMETER OF CIRCLE IN C++#include #include void main(){clrscr();double rad, area, perimeter;coutrad;area=3.14*rad*rad;perimeter=2*3.14*rad;cout

Write a c program to find the area and perimeter of circle?

Learn c programming and geometry. It will be easy when you know both.

How do you find the area when perimeter is given?

Unless the area is a regular polygon (or a circle) you cannot.

How do you find area and perimeter of a circle?

The area of a circle is described by the equations: A=πr2 and the perimeter of a circle is described by the equation: C=πd where: A is the Area C is the circumference, or perimeter r is the radius d=diameter=2r π= pi, the ratio of diameter to circumference (3.14159)

What is the area and perimeter of a cylinder?

There is no perimeter of a circle. Only flat shapes have perimeters. You can however, find the circumference, surface area, and volume.

How to find area and perimeter of circle?

The answer depends on what information you have about the circle. If you know the radius, thenArea = pi*r^2 and perimeter = 2*pi*r

What is the radius and the area of a circle?

The radius of a circle is the distance from the center to any point on the circle. The area is the space within the circle. The formula to find the area is πr2. r stands for the radius of the circle. If you want to find the radius, you can work backwards from the area or the circumference, which is the perimeter of the circle. The formula for circumference is 2πr.

What is the equation to find the perimeter of a circle?

Circumference ("perimeter") of a circle = (pi) x (diameter of the circle)

How do you find the perimeter if you already know the circumference of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is the length of the circle's perimeter.

How do you find the area and perimeter of circle?

First you have to measure the diameter of the circle. The diameter is pi (pi is approximately 3.1415) times the diameter is the perimeter. Half the diameter is the radius and the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. So for example, let us say that you have a circle with a diameter of 3 inches. The perimeter is then about 9.42 inches, and the area is about 7.07 square inches.

How do you find the perimeter when circumference is given?

When the shape is a circle, then the perimeter is called"circumference".The circumference IS the perimeter of a circle.