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Q: What is a common medium of information in your daily life?
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Which of these is a common medium of information in your daily life A Smoke signals B Telescopes C Pictures D School buses?

The answer is obviously C.

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The most common source of fluoride in daily life is toothpaste.

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hunting and farming

Function of talking in your daily life?

Talking in your daily life serves to provide opportunities for social activities. It also serves as a source of pertinent information that is necessary for life.

Which of these forms media is most common in daily life?

Signs or billboards

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most reactions in the body occurs in solutin medium eg. aqeuos solution.

Advantage of science in daily life?

science is a medium by which we can communicate, get knowledge etc. so we should support science in future.

How can you use programming in daily life?

The fundamentals of programming can be used a lot in daily life. The basis of all programming is understanding algorithms and how to organize disparate information into a useable form. If a programmer can't organize their information, their program is going to be an unreadable mess. This is just one way that programming can be of use in daily life.

Which of these actions is common in an agriculturist's daily life?

Growing fruit and vegetables crops

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signs or billboards

Information about daily life in New York colony?

Daily life in the New York colony was marked by trading, mining, crafting, and producing the necessary elements for the community to survive.