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Q: What is a competition that offer products of different tastes and shapes?
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What does it mean to offer products of different tastes and shapes?

Non-price competition offers products of different tastes and shapes.

What does the word squash?

different colored, many tastes, different shapes

Why do all sugars do not taste the same?

Because some sugar are made fromdifferent products and substancesthat have different tastes

How is pasta different from today than when it was first created?

It has changed over time because I tastes good!! :)

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Different people have different tastes. I suggest you consult with her.Different people have different tastes. I suggest you consult with her.Different people have different tastes. I suggest you consult with her.Different people have different tastes. I suggest you consult with her.

Is cheddar a type of cheese or is it a shapes flavor?

Cheddar is a cheese! Yet it is a shapes flavor as well..... BUT the shapes flavour tastes like the cheese! So yes its a type of CHEESE.

Where is the sweet spot on your tongue?

Different areas of the human tongue have sensitivities to different tastes. Each of these areas contains proportionately more of certain chemoreceptors. Typically, the middle-front of the tongue is more sensitive to sweet tastes, the sides to salty tastes, the center-back to sour tastes, and the very back to bitter tastes. Different areas of the human tongue have sensitivities to different tastes. Each of these areas contains proportionately more of certain chemoreceptors. Typically, the middle-front of the tongue is more sensitive to sweet tastes, the sides to salty tastes, the center-back to sour tastes, and the very back to bitter tastes.

Are the sulphur is use for sweetening of petroleum products?

yeah, tastes good!

What tastes better cucumber or tomato?

I think you cannot compare because they are two different things with very different tastes. In my opinion, tomato tastes better because cucumber has no flavour.

Which food tastes better with pepper eggs or potatoes?

It is a personal preference. Different folks have different tastes. I prefer pepper on eggs.

What is better subway or pita pit?

Pita pit no competition - less processed, more veges, tastes better.......

What does math taste like?

Math, for me, tastes like spices. Spices have very different and unique tastes. Math has very different concepts and branches.