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A calculator.

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Q: What is a computer that adds and subtracts?
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What does the Arithmetic Machine do?

It adds and subtracts numbers.

What subtracts to 23 and adds to 132?


What is the rule in comparing a set of fractions?

the top adds what the bottom adds. the top subtracts what the bottom subtracts. the top divides what the bottom divides. the top multiplies what the bottom multiplies.

What happens when someone adds carries or subtracts?

An arithmetic operation happens.

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If you get a tattoo on your lower waist will it hurt?

Almost all tattoos hurt. It is the skill of the tattoo artist that adds or subtracts from the pain.

What device adds and subtracts numbers?

Many devices do so, or allow you to do so. Some of the more obvious ones are computers, calculators, and abacuses

Who reestablished the Catholic church?

Well, the Pope always adds ans subtracts churches, so He does. But the TRUE answers is God ,Mary, and their Son Jesus.

What is an accounting machine?

Before the days of automatic calculation, an accounting machine was a business machine using keys or stored data which tabulates, adds, subtracts, and totals.

What is the purpose of CPU of the computer?

Preforms mathematical operations on binary data. It adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides binary numbersas well as preforming logical functions. In order to calculate more advanced mathematical functions the computer programs employ Taylor Series. Some newer processors do more advanced calculations in one step.

Are computer adds bad?

Some are, some are not.