Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.
Percent to decimal divide by 100 (move the decimal 2 places left.) 57% = .57
57/40 - 1.425 in decimal form
17/57 written as a decimal is 0.298
Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.
Percent to decimal divide by 100 (move the decimal 2 places left.) 57% = .57
It is: 57/60 = 0.95 as a decimal
57/40 - 1.425 in decimal form
57/125 written as a decimal is 0.456
17/57 written as a decimal is 0.298
57%= 0.57 in decimal= 57/100 in fraction
57/8 as a decimal
The decimal 31 thousand and 57 hundredths is: 31,000.57