A decimal measurement is simply a way of representing a measurement in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right.
Generally, any metric measurement is made in decimal.
It is 4000 microns!
A decimal is not a measurement unit, it is a way in which numbers - pure numbers - are represented.
A decimal isn't a unit of measurement. Therefore, the two units are incompatible.
There is no such unit of measurement as a decimal.
The metric system is mostly a decimal system of measurement.
The precision of a measurement can be determined by looking at the number of decimal places in the measurement. The more decimal places, the more precise the measurement. Additionally, if a measuring tool is capable of measuring smaller increments, it can provide a more precise measurement.
To the right
Generally, any metric measurement is made in decimal.
7.78 miles convert decimal measurement to a mixed number
They are ratio scale.
It is 4000 microns!
A decimal is not a measurement unit, it is a way in which numbers - pure numbers - are represented.
how do i contvert each decimal measurement to a mixed number
A decimal isn't a unit of measurement. Making these units incompatible.
A decimal is not a measurement unit, it is a way in which numbers - pure numbers - are represented.
A decimal isn't a unit of measurement. Therefore, the two units are incompatible.