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There isn't one since the square root of 0.75 is irrational. But it may be approximated by 0.8660

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Q: What is a decimal square representing 0.75?
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0.3 > 0.075

How would you write 75 thousandths as a decimal?

As a decimal, 75 thousandths is .075

How do you write seven and one half cents in decimal?

that would be .075 in decimal form

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Without a decimal, there is no difference.

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How many square feet are there in one decimal in ranchi?

A decimal is a way of representing numbers. It has no magnitude of its own and so a decimal cannot be equivalent to any square feet. The question is like asking how many metres in an integer!

How many square foot in 65 decimals?

None. A decimal is a way of representing numbers. They have nothing to do with area.

How do you write seventy five thousandths in decimal form?

easy! .075

What is the decimal fraction if i have 4 circles and one square?

The question cannot be answered because a number of key items of information are missing:A decimal fraction representing which quantity?How large are the circles?How large is the square?

What is bigger .075 or .125?

.125 is bigger because the first number after the decimal is bigger.

What is 7.5 percent off of 17.99?

To solve this, first convert 7.5% to a decimal: 7.5% = .075. Next, multiply 17.99 by .075:17.99 x .075 = $1.35So, 7.5% off of $17.99 is $1.35 off, or $17.99 - $1.35 = $16.64