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According to Polit and Beck (2010) a decision trail (analogous to an audit log or audit trail) "articulates the researchers' decision rules for categorizing data and making analytic inferences" (page 498). Essentially, a decision trail is the documentation of the analytic choices made throughout the research. It enhances transparency and is "a useful way to enhance the auditability (explicitness) of the study" (page 498), all of which contribute to rigour and trustworthiness.

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Q: What is a decision trail in qualitative research?
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Auditability in qualitative research refers to the ability of an external researcher to examine the study's processes, decisions, and findings to ensure transparency and trustworthiness. It involves providing a clear and detailed description of the research methodology, data collection methods, and analysis techniques so that others can follow and confirm the study's validity. This helps establish the credibility of the research and allows for verification of the research process by external parties.

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Research can be divided into two main categories: qualitative research, which focuses on understanding the "why" and "how" behind phenomena through qualitative data analysis; and quantitative research, which focuses on collecting and analyzing numerical data to answer research questions through statistical methods.

What are the assumptions of qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research is a field of inquiry that crosscuts disciplines and subject matters. It involves an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern human behavior. Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research relies on reasons behind various aspects of behavior. Simply put, it investigates the why and how of decision making, as compared to what, where, and when of quantitative research. Hence, the need is for smaller but focused samples rather than large random samples, which qualitative research categorizes data into patterns as the primary basis for organizing and reporting results. Qualitative researchers typically rely on four methods for gathering information: (1) participation in the setting, (2) direct observation, (3) in depth interviews, and (4) analysis of documents and materials .

Classification of research?

Research can be classified into two main types: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research focuses on numerical data and statistical analysis, aiming to quantify relationships between variables. Qualitative research explores subjective experiences, aiming to understand phenomena from the participants' perspectives through interviews, observations, or case studies.