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Qualitative research is a Field of inquiring applicable to many disciplines and subject mater.

- Qualitative researchers aim to gather in depth understanding of human behavior

- aQualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making.

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Q: What does qualitative descriptions mean?
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What are quantitative and qualitative descriptions?

Quantitative descriptions have to do with numbers such as 2 cars ,5 children etc. Qualitative descriptions have to do with characteristics such as the flat ball the red cup etc.

What are the example of the qualitative?

Qualitative descriptions are generally adjectives like 'cool' or 'hot' whereas quantitative descriptions are values like '35 degrees celsius'.

Compare quantitative and qualitative descriptions?

i dont know... sorry

What is observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers?

Qualitative data

How are quantitatives and qualitative different?

Quantitative observations are measurements, giving numerical answers. Qualitative ones produce simple descriptions, e.g. bubbles.

How are quantitative and qualitative observations different?

Quantitative observations are measurements, giving numerical answers. Qualitative ones produce simple descriptions, e.g. bubbles.

Difference between quantitative and qualitative test?

Qualitative test represents the substance and a quantitative test shows the amount.First Deals with descriptions, second one with numbers

Observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers are called-?

Observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers are called qualitative observations.

What does qualitative and quantitative mean in science?

Qualitative has to do with quality and can be subjective. Quantitative has to do with quantity and is measured in numbers. Qualitative data deals with descriptions of what you can see, such as colors, smells, tastes, etc. It can be seen, but not measured. Quantitative data deals with numbers, such as length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, humidity, sound levels, cost, members, ages, etc.

What are two examples of data that can not be expressed in numbers?

Data that can't be expressed in numbers is called qualitative data, which includes descriptions and observations. Color, texture, emotions, and shape are examples of qualitative data.

What is a qualitative and quantitive observations?

Qualitative observations involve descriptions that cannot be measured with numbers, such as colors, textures, and smells. Quantitative observations involve measurements and numerical data, providing specific quantities or amounts.

How do you use qualitative in science?

If you take every way that you can describe a material / compound / element &c the descriptions will fall into two categories: (1). Quantative: Things that can be measured - Boiling Point, Density &c. (2). Qualitative: Things that cannot be measured but described and placed into a description from a set of descriptions (or qualified). - Colour.