A decimal number has a base of 10, meaning that from the least significant to the most significant digit in a number the value of the digit increases by a factor of 10. Thus the least significant digit has a value of the digit multiplied by 10 raised to power 0, the next digit to the left (the tens digit) has a value of the digit multiplied by 10 raised to power 1, and so on. If you are considering decimal numbers, then the first digit to the right of the decimal point has a place value of 10 raised to power -1, the next digit to the right has a place value of 10 raised to power -2 and so on. In decimal system (unlike the Roman Numerals) the length of the number also signifies the magnitude of the number and there is a place value for each digit (again unlike the Roman Numerals).
round up
0.6666 repeating
3/8 = 0.375
Divide the numerator by the denominator.
the diewi desimal system