

What is a discrete system?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What is a discrete system?
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What is the difference between continuous and discrete system?

The difference between continuous and discrete system lies in the variables. Whereas the continuous systems have dynamic variables, the discrete system have static variables.

Can you give me a sentence with the word discrete?

The College Authority made the administrative system with three discrete divisions.

What are the basic signals in signal and system?

analog (continuous) and discrete (discontinuous)

Is the frequency domain plot of an alarm system discreet or contineous?

discrete because the signal of an alarm is periodic.

What has the author Clare D McGillem written?

Clare D. McGillem has written: 'Solutions manual for Continuous and Discrete Signal and System Anal ysis' 'Continuous and discrete signal and system analysis' -- subject(s): Digital filters (Mathematics), Discrete-time systems, Electric engineering, Mathematics, Signal theory (Telecommunication), State-space methods, System analysis

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A system flowchart is a physical model that graphically documents the system's discrete physical components (its programs, procedures, files, etc.).

What is hybrid support system?

A hybrid support system is a system that shows discrete and flowing dynamic behavior. This is a support system that integrates all the essential aspects into one comprehensive system.

What is hybrid support?

A hybrid support system is a system that shows discrete and flowing dynamic behavior. This is a support system that integrates all the essential aspects into one comprehensive system.

Is occupation discrete or continuous?

is occupation decrte or coninus

Is the number of foggy days at an airport continuous or discrete?

Either fog occurs on a day, or it does not. Therefore it is a discrete value.

What is the homophones for discrete?

The homophones for "discrete" can include "discreet" and "discreetly."

What is difference between continuous simulation system and discrete simulation system?

In continuous simulation systems, time is treated as a continuous variable, allowing for modeling of systems with continuous or fluid-like behavior. In discrete simulation systems, time is represented in discrete steps, making it suitable for modeling systems that operate in a step-by-step manner with distinct events. Continuous simulation systems require solving differential equations, while discrete simulation systems involve tracking the state changes based on discrete event occurrences.