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Q: What is a distriubution that goes with ethnic distribution map?
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What is cartograms?

A cartogram is a map in which the information is shown in the geographical distribution of a map. The cartogram shows statistical information graphically

Could contour lines on a map ever cross?

No because a contour line gets darrker and daarker when it goes from line to line.

If two cities on a map are 8 cm apart. if the map's scale is 2 cm 1 km how far are the cities apart in reality?

4 kilometres. Every 2 centimetres you will have travelled 1 kilometre. As 2 goes into 8 four times we have 4 kilometres.

What map tell you the number of inches on the map for every mile that the map represents?

The map's scale

What is distribution in species?

Species distribution is the manner in which a biological taxon is spatially arranged. Species distribution is not to be confused with dispersal, which is the movement of individuals away from their area of origin or from centers of high population density. A similar concept is the species range. A species range is often represented with a species range map. Biogeographers try to understand the factors determining a species' distribution. The pattern of distribution is not permanent for each species. Distribution patterns can change seasonally, in response to the availability of resources, and also depending on the scale at which they are viewed. Dispersion usually takes place at the time of reproduction. Populations within a species are translocated through many methods, including dispersal by people, wind, water and animals. Humans are one of the largest distributors due to the current trends in globalization and the expanse of the transportation industry. For example, large tankers often fill their ballasts with water at one port and empty them in another, causing a wider distribution of aquatic species. United Nations Farms

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Ethnic divisions and diversity in a territory?

Ethnic Distribution Map

Who would use a distribution map?

Religious distribution map: Places where different religious dominate, Linguistic distribution map: Location of speakers of various languages, Political system distribution map: Type of political system in each country of the world, Ethnic distribution map: Ethnic divisions and diversity in territory

What kind of distribution map will indicate where people can and cannot vote for their leaders?

Political system distribution

What does ethnicity show on a map?

Ethnicity on a map typically shows the distribution or concentration of a particular ethnic group within a geographic area. It can help visualize diversity and clustering of different ethnicities in a region as well as provide insights into patterns of settlement and migration.

What type of map show population in an area?

Distribution map

What kind of map tells you about the population of a place?

Distribution map

What is a distribution map in social studies?

Its a map to distribute things.

To quickly see which country has the most people what type of distribution map would you use?

To quickly see which country has the most people, you should use a population distribution map.

What is the difference between population distribution map and a population density map?

A population distribution map shows where most of the population is, while a population density map shows how many people are living in certain area

What is a probability distribution map?

A probability distribution map is a statistical map that shows where an electron is likely to be found under a given set of conditions. It is helpful to predict the movements of electrons and other atomic particles.

What is a Linguistic distribution map?

A linguistic distribution map shows the geographic locations where different languages are spoken. It provides a visual representation of the distribution of languages across regions or countries. The map helps illustrate the diversity of languages and their patterns of usage in different areas.

What kind of disturbution map will indicate where people can and cannnot vote for their leaders?

A Political system distribution map