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Q: What is a downward movement of a block of material along a curved surface called?
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What is it called when water seeps downward through cracks in the soil?

This process is called infiltration. It refers to the downward movement of water from the surface into the soil.

What is the movement of surface material from one place to another?

I think it is called Erosion

What mass movement involves the sudden movement of a block of material along a flat inclined surface is called a?

Mass movement involving the sudden movement of a block of material along a flat inclined surface is called a rockslide. It is a type of landslide characterized by the rapid sliding or falling of rock down a slope.

What is the process that describes downward sliding of the rock material?

The process that describes the downward sliding of rock material is called mass wasting or mass movement. It involves the movement of rock, soil, and debris downslope under the influence of gravity. Mass wasting can occur slowly over time or more rapidly in the form of landslides, rockslides, or slumps.

What is it called when material moves down slope along a curved surface called?

The movement of material down slope along a curved surface is called creep. It is a slow, continuous process of particle-by-particle movement typically caused by gravity and can occur on various slope angles.

What is the movement of heated materials upward and the movement of the cooled material downward called?

This movement is called convection. It occurs when heated materials rise due to lower density, while cooled materials sink due to higher density, creating a circulating flow.

When a block of material moves down slope along a curved surface the type of mass movement is called what?

When a block of material moves down slope along a curved surface, it is called a rockslide. This type of mass movement involves the rapid sliding or falling of a coherent rock mass along a well-defined surface.

What is the upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air called?

The upward movement of warm air is called convection, while the downward movement of cool air is called subsidence. This process occurs due to differences in temperature, density, and pressure in the atmosphere, leading to the circulation of air masses.

What is erosion called mass movement is caused by?

Erosion called mass movement is caused by gravity pulling material downslope. This can include processes like landslides, slumps, and rockfalls where a mass of rock, soil, or debris moves downward due to gravity's force.

A mass movernment that involves the sudden movement of a block of material along a flat inclined surface is called a?

A mass movement that involves the sudden movement of a block of material along a flat inclined surface is called a rockslide. This can occur due to factors such as gravity, erosion, and slope instability. Rockslides can pose significant hazards to infrastructure and human settlements located in mountainous regions.

What is the material at earths surface called?

Molten rock material on Earth's surface is called lava. When under Earth's surface it's called magma

What is turning of the palm backward or downward?

Turning the palm backward or downward is called pronation. This movement involves rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces downward or backward.