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Q: What is a drawing that like shows information like a graph?
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What is a drawing that shows information like a graph?

chart. noun. a list, drawing, or graph showing information in a way that is easy to understand.

What is a 5 letter word for a drawing that shows you information like a graph?


A drawing that shows information like a graph?

the answer is a Chart.

What is a drawing that shows information like a graph its a 4 letter word?

Plot, possibly.

What is the name for a drawing that shows information like a graph?

A pictogram, possibly.

What is a drawing that tells information like a graph?

It is not clear what the question is about but I suspect that the answer you are looking for is a PICTOGRAM.

Drawing that shows info like a graph?

this was really hard to find out but my big sister answered this. The answer is CHART that took her one glance to figure it out.

What information does a line graph represent?

This depends upon the graph; you can graph any kind of information that you like.

What is the drawing that shows what places look from above?

That drawing shows to what a place looks like from above is

How does a quadrant look like?

When drawing a graph, there are four quadrants, which are the "boxes" surrounding the origin.

What is a bar graph and how what is used for?

a bar graph shows many bars.... :D ♥

What three important pieces of information can you learn by reading a production possibilities graph?

Well the graph shows alternative ways to use economies resources, and the axes of the graph can show categories of goods and services like farm goods and factory goods or capital goods or consumer goods. Also the axes shows any pair of specific goods or services such as hats one axis and shoes on the other.