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Q: What is a example of a rigid motion transformation?
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Is not a rigid motion transformation?

dilation (APEX)

Does not describe a rigid motion transformation?


What doesn't describe a rigid motion transformation?

A rigid motion transformation is one that preserves distances and angles between points in a geometric shape. Anything that involves changing the size or shape of the object, such as scaling or shearing, would not describe a rigid motion transformation.

What transformation preserves the shape and size?

Rigid motion

What is an example of a non rigid transformation?

inflating a balloon.

A vertical shift is an example of a non rigid transformation?


Which transformation is not a rigid transformation?

A rigid transformation means it has the same size and shape so it would be a dilation

What is rigid motion in geometry?

Movement of a shape can involve flexing - for example, a square frame being flexed into a rhombus. Rigid motion excludes such motion: the shape of the moving object does not change.

What is transform motion?

Motion transformation in mechanics means the conversation one type of motion into another, for example. translation motion into rotation.

What is the difference between rigid transformation and a size transformation?

A rigid transformation is when a shape is moved with no changes to its shape whereas a size transformation is when a shape is moved with its shape becoming smaller or larger.

What is the difference between rigid transformation and non rigid transformation?

rigid transformation is for same modality(CT-CT) nad it can only perform translation, rotation and scaling translation. whereas non rigid for multimodality and it can do streching and shriking too. it use demon algorithm .

What type of transformation is not considered rigid?

Flexing is one such transformation.