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Q: What is a example of exponential model?
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What is a population in which exponential growth is limited by a density dependent factor?

the answer must be exponential growth model.

How does logistic model of population growth differ from exponential model?

follow the society of light

How is the data represented on a scatter plot that depicts an exponential model?

In a scatter plot that is an exponential model, data can appear to be growing in incremental rates. In this type of model the data will only cross the Y-axis at one point.

What is the origin of exponential growth?

Exponential growth does not have an origin: it occurs in various situations in nature. For example if the rate of growth in something depends on how big it is, then you have exponential growth.

Does 43 have an exponential form?

All positive integers have an exponential form. For example, 43 can also be written as 431.

What are three things exponential growth and exponential decay have in common?

both have steep slopes both have exponents in their equation both can model population

What is the validity of projections of an arithmetic graph of an exponential growth?

The validity of the projection depends on the validity of the model. If the model is valid over the domain in question then the projection is valid within that domain. If the model is not then the projection is not. And that applies to all kinds of graphs - not just exponential.

What are exponential used for in a real world example?


Can an exponential decay model have negative y values?

An exponential function can have negative y-values. However, a real-world exponential decay model will never have negative values. Think of it this way... If you divide a positive number by 2 (or take half of it) and then divide that next number by 2, you will never reach or go below 0. For Example: 20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, 0.3125, etc. (Each number is half of the number before it.)

The exponential model of population growth applies?

The exponential model of population growth applies when a population grows at a constant rate without any limiting factors. It assumes unlimited resources and ideal conditions for growth. While suitable for short-term predictions in some situations, this model often oversimplifies real-world population dynamics.

Which situation would not be modeled by exponential function?

There are lots of situations that are not modelled by exponential functions. A simple example is when something increases linearly. For example, assuming you have a fixed daily income, and save all of it, the amount of money you have is directly proportional to the number of days worked. No exponential function there, whatsoever.There are lots of situations that are not modelled by exponential functions. A simple example is when something increases linearly. For example, assuming you have a fixed daily income, and save all of it, the amount of money you have is directly proportional to the number of days worked. No exponential function there, whatsoever.There are lots of situations that are not modelled by exponential functions. A simple example is when something increases linearly. For example, assuming you have a fixed daily income, and save all of it, the amount of money you have is directly proportional to the number of days worked. No exponential function there, whatsoever.There are lots of situations that are not modelled by exponential functions. A simple example is when something increases linearly. For example, assuming you have a fixed daily income, and save all of it, the amount of money you have is directly proportional to the number of days worked. No exponential function there, whatsoever.

Compare the exponential model and the logistic model of population growth. (?

An exponential model has a j-shaped growth rate that increases dramatically over a period of time with unlimited resources. A logistic model of population growth has a s-shaped curve with limited resources leading to a slow growth rate.