in yard
One yard is equal to three feet. A yard is bigger.
1 square yard = 1 yard x 1 yard
Because that is how a yard is defined!Because that is how a yard is defined!Because that is how a yard is defined!Because that is how a yard is defined!
it is a yard by a yard or length X width
The 2 pumpkins the skeleton in the window and the crow and the moon in the yard.
There's a few different names for them. In much of the world, they're known as "shunt trucks". In North America, "yard spotter", "yard dog", "yard goat", and "hostler" are common names for them.
In inches it would be 36 divided by five, or 7 and one fifth. -x- gigity! -x- Dan V. was here! -x- anyway, 7.2, or 7 1/5 inches. same thing.
A fifth of that something.A fifth of that something.A fifth of that something.A fifth of that something.
Well, a fifth is one fifth of one, that's why it's called a fifth, it's divided into five. If your question was 'what is a fifth a tenth of?', then the answer would be two. What is a fifth a seventh of? 1.4, etc.
One fifth plus one fifth is two fifths (2/5).
1 yard.1 yard.1 yard.1 yard.
The letter a is a variable. "To the fifth" means to the fifth power, or a*a*a*a*a. If a equals 3, "a to the fifth" equals 243.
in yard
"Life" was the fifth element...