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Q: What is a figure or representation of somebody who is usually disliked called?
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What is a representation usually on a plane surface showing region of the earth?

A representation on a plane surface showing regions of the Earth is called a 'projection'. Or it might simply be called a map.

What is a representation of the VIrgin Mary usually with the infant Jesus?

It would be called the Madonna or Madonna with child.

What is A graphic representation of a frequency distribution constructed by connecting the class midpoints with lines is called a?

It is usually called the axis for the independent variable.

What is representation?

A system in which elected members all represent the same number of people.

What painting is a representation of the Virgin Mary usually with the infant Jesus?

It is usually the very old paintings by Saint Luke called the Our Lady of Perpetual Help. In Poland there is also the Black Madonna.

Why are best friends called best friends?

When somebody refers to best friends, that usually means close/trustful/loyal people that you hang out with.

What is a pictorial representation of the frequency table?

A pictorial representation of a frequency table is called a histogram.

What is a representation of earth surface?

A flat representation of the Earth's surface is called an atlas or a map.

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What is the flower called that people usually pull the petals off?

danilions.People usually pull the petals off Daisies to find out if somebody loves them. They blow the seeds off Dandelions to tell the time.

What did the Virginia Plan called for?

It called for the states to have proportional representation.

Can you get in trouble for accidentally killing somebody with a gun?

depends, usually its called manslaughter 3rd degree if the facts bear that out but otherwise ask George Zimmerman!