A stop sign
Warning sign of possible danger ahead
"Regulation sign" Reference: It is regulating something. Failure to obey these signs can result in a traffic citation.
An advance railroad sign is round and has a yellow background with a black X and black R's on each side of the X. The sign at the site of the tracks is an X shaped sign that is white with black text and says "Railroad Crossing" with the words crossed on each leg of the X. Crossbuck.See the related link for a site with pictures of US traffic signs.
You need to do this. Other drivers don't want a person on the road with them who cheated on the test or can't pass it.
warningA merging traffic sign an example of a warning.warning signyellow diamond
traffic signal.
A stop sign
warningA merging traffic sign an example of a warning.warning signyellow diamond
traffic signal, sign etc
A warning sign
Yes, a stop sign is a traffic control device in Illinois.
A warning sign.
how much does is cost failue to obey traffic sign
A stop sign