A stop sign
To regulate the flow of traffic.
a school zone ahead
"Regulation sign" Reference: It is regulating something. Failure to obey these signs can result in a traffic citation.
The purpose of the tablenapkin is to protect the table. However in the victorian era it was used as a sign of wealth, creativity and personality.
to warn of a possible danger ahead.
The primary purpose of the STOP sign is safety!.... something which those who habitually disregard the signs are saying they could care less about anyone else as long as I am not inconvenienced . It serves to direct and control the flow of traffic.
warningA merging traffic sign an example of a warning.warning signyellow diamond
traffic signal.
A stop sign
warningA merging traffic sign an example of a warning.warning signyellow diamond
traffic signal, sign etc
A warning sign
To regulate the flow of traffic.
Yes, a stop sign is a traffic control device in Illinois.
The purpose of traffic signals is to regulate motor vehicles during traffic hours during the day