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Q: What is a form that is made when a line meets itself - a circle a square?
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How is a circle and a square similar?

When the dimensions are infinitely large then straight lines take the form of curve. In this situation a square may take the form of a circle.

What the ratio of the area of circle to the area of square in simplest form?


What is the first step when inscribing a square quadrilateral triangle or a hexagon in a circle?

The first step when inscribing a square quadrilateral triangle or a hexagon in a circle is to connect the endpoints of the diameters to form a square.

What is the square root of 14 in radical form?

The square root of 14 is already in its simplest radical form. The number itself is roughly 3.7416573867739413

What factors are multiplied to form a perfect square?

The same number is multiplied with itself to form a perfect square i.e. a perfect square has real and repeated equal numbers as factors.

A number that is multiplied to itself to form a product?

Multiplying a number by itself is called "squaring". Ex. "What is the square of 5?" Answer: 25 And when you calculate, from the square (25) what the original number was, it is called "finding the square root." Ex. "What is the square root of 25?" Answer: 5.

What is the standard form of a perfect square?

to square a number multiply it by itself to find the square root start withh your number and try to find a number that multplies itself to get that number then you have your square root ex.)5*5=25 or 25/5=5

A circle is cut out of a piece of plywood that is 10 inches square The scraps are then thrown away How many square inches of plywood are thrown away?

The area of the square was 100 sq in (10 x 10). Assuming the circle was cut out of the square form edge to edge, the area of the 10 inch diameter circle is found as follows: A = Pi x R² where Pi is 3.1416 and R² is the radius multiplied by itself (the radius is one half of the diameter). Using the formula: A = 3.1416 x (5 x 5) = 3.1416 x 25 = 78.54 sq in. Subtract the area of the circle from the area of the square to find how much material was thrown away. (100 - 78.54 = 21.46 sq in)

How can you be certain that the angle you create form a square inside the circle?

You cannot. The size of an angle is not sufficient to define a square - it could be one of many other polygons.

What was the photo of the man's body for?

Measurement comparisons. The square, right triangle, equilateral triangle and the circle are represented in the human form.

A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle of side 6 find area of square inscribed in a circle?

The answer in 6.... draw an angular bisector from one of the angles to the centre of circle then draw a perpendicular from the centre of circle. Those to lines will form a triangle... use trigonometry and find the length of the perpendicular, which is also a radius... double the radius and u will get the diagonal for the square... using formula :- (Side)^2 + (Side)^2 = (Diagonal)^2, find the side of square and square the answer, which will give you your final answer

What is the radius to the nearest hundredth of circle whose area is 719 square feet in geometry form?

The radius, to the nearest hundreth, of a circle whose area is 719 square feet is 15.13.Another Answer:-When: pi*radius2 = 719 square feetThen: radius = square root of 719/pi => 15.13 feet rounded to the nearest 1/100