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Q: What is a fraction number model?
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What number is represented when all parts of a fraction model are shaded?

whole number

What number is represented when no parts of a fraction model are shaded?


What makes a good fraction model?

A good fraction model is when you divide your model equally.

Sample of the three models of a fraction?

There are three models of a fraction namely area model, liner model and set model.

How could you represent the fraction four tenths using a model or number line?

Create a number line from zero to one where the gradations are in tenths.

How do you multiply a fraction by a whole number without using a model or repeated addition?

Multiply the whole number times the numerator. Divide the product by the denominator.

What is the number below the fraction bar in a fraction?

The number below the fraction bar in a fraction is the denominator. The number above the fraction bar is the numerator.

What is a number called when it is a whole number with a fraction?

A number can be called either a mixed number or a mixed fraction when it is a whole number with a fraction.

Is the numerator in a fraction the whole number or the fraction?

There is no whole number in a fraction. A fraction is a little number on top and another little number on the bottom. The numerator is the little number on top.

What is a fraction that is made up of a number followed by a fraction?

A mixed number (or fraction).

A number made up of a whole number and a proper fraction is it improper fraction mixed number proper fraction?

A mixed number.

How do you turn a complex fraction into a regular fraction?

First you have to multiply the whole number with the top number in your fraction. REMEMBER TO KEEP THE BOTTOM NUMBER THE SAME!!!!! Your number will be an irregular fraction.