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Q: What is a fraction of 1 dime three quarters and nickel and a penny?
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What fraction is bigger. Two thirds or three quarters?

three quarters

What fraction of a pound is 75pence?

It is three quarters.

What is75 percent as a fraction?

Three quarters

What you know about the fraction three-fourths?

it is three quarters of anything

What is half of three quarters as a fraction?


What are all the possible outcomes for flipping or tossing three coins a dime a nickel and a penny in an organized manner and how would a tree diagram show these results?

There are eight possible results when flipping three coins (eliminating the highly unlikely scenario of one or more coins landing on their edge): Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails

What fraction is three quarters?

3/4 Quarter means 4, so 3 quarters means three fourths.

How do you write three quarters as numbers?

The number representation for the fraction three quarters (three fourths) is 3/4. (The digital value is 0.75)

How do you turn 3.75 into a fraction?

The number 3.75 is equal to three and three quarters.

Place a penny a nickel and a dime in a row from left to right in that order Now Benjamin's mom has three children Their names are point at the penny Penny point at the nickel Nickolas Now?


What fraction is bigger than one quarter?

Three quarters.

What fraction of a dollar is 75cents?

Three quarters (3/4)