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That means that the exponent is a fraction, such as 21/2 = square root of 2, 101/3 = cubic root of 10, etc.

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Q: What is a fractional exponent?
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How do you express something in radical form?

Using a radical (square root) bar. I can't get one on the screen, but I'm sure you know what they look like. Example: fractional exponents can be rewritten in radical form: x2/3 means the cube root of (x2) ... write a radical with an index number 3 to show cube root and the quantity x2 is inside the radical. Any fractional exponent can be done the same way. The denominator of the fractional exponent becomes the index of the radical, but the numerator stays as a whole number exponent in the radical.

How does the exponent laws work with rational fractional exponents?

Paranthisis Exponent Multiply Divide Add Subtract you use pemdas for instance (2/3 x 3/2)3 + 5 = 8

What is a factional exponents?

I guess you mean "fractional" exponents. That just means that the exponent is not a whole number. Example: x1/4. It makes sense to define such a fractional exponent as equivalent to (in this case) the fourth root of x. As another example, x3/4 is the same as the fourth root of (x3), which is the same as the cube of (the fourth root of x).

How do you calculate a decimal to a negative fractional exponent?

The negative exponent is defined as the reciprocal of the positive exponent. Here is an example: 10-2/3 = 1/102/3 This, in turn, can be converted to a root. So, in the end result, you have: 1/102/3 = 1 / cubic root of (102) or 1 / (cubic root of 10)2

How do you raise a exponent?

In the simplest case - a positive integer exponent - the exponent is an indicator of how often a number should be used as a factor. For example, 25 means that the number 2 should appear five times as a factor: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2. Exponentiation is also defined for an exponent of zero, negative exponents, and fractional exponents, but be sure to understand this simplest case first.

A superscript number tells you to multiply the base number by itself that many times?

Yes, that is the basic idea - if the exponent (the number with a superscript) is a positive integer. However, negative and fractional exponents are also defined; you can verify this with any scientific calculator (use a positive number as the base, in this case).Note: In a number such as 103, 10 is the base, 3 is the exponent.Yes, that is the basic idea - if the exponent (the number with a superscript) is a positive integer. However, negative and fractional exponents are also defined; you can verify this with any scientific calculator (use a positive number as the base, in this case).Note: In a number such as 103, 10 is the base, 3 is the exponent.Yes, that is the basic idea - if the exponent (the number with a superscript) is a positive integer. However, negative and fractional exponents are also defined; you can verify this with any scientific calculator (use a positive number as the base, in this case).Note: In a number such as 103, 10 is the base, 3 is the exponent.Yes, that is the basic idea - if the exponent (the number with a superscript) is a positive integer. However, negative and fractional exponents are also defined; you can verify this with any scientific calculator (use a positive number as the base, in this case).Note: In a number such as 103, 10 is the base, 3 is the exponent.

What does the denominator of a fractional exponent represent?

It represents the order of the root that needs to be calculated. A denominator of 2 means a square root. A denominator of 3 means a cube root. And so on.

What does the exponent or power mean in math?

An integer exponent is the number of times that a number is multiplied by itself. For example: if the exponent of a is 3, then it represents the number a3 = a*a*a. The laws of exponents can be extended to arrive at definitions of negative exponents [a-3 = 1/a3] and fractional exponents [a1/3 is the cube or third root of a]. These definitions can be further extended to exponents that are irrational numbers, or even complex number.