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The triangular, uniform, binomial, Poisson, geometric, exponential and Gaussian distributions are some that can be so defined. In fact, the Poisson and exponential need only the mean.

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Q: What is a frequency distribution defined by its average and standard deviation?
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Why is it a useful value to report standard deviation?

The standard deviation of a distribution is the average spread from the mean (average). If I told you I had a distribution of data with average 10000 and standard deviation 10, you'd know that most of the data is close to the middle. If I told you I had a distrubtion of data with average 10000 and standard deviation 3000, you'd know that the data in this distribution is much more spread out.

What statistic is the average amount by which the scores in a distribution vary from the mean?

Standard deviation

Is variance the square root of standard deviation?

No, you have it backwards, the standard deviation is the square root of the variance, so the variance is the standard deviation squared. Usually you find the variance first, as it is the average sum of squares of the distribution, and then find the standard deviation by squaring it.

Is it true that normal distribution is characterised by Standard deviation only?

No. You must have the mean ("average") as well.

The mean of the distribution is 2.89 with a standard?

The mean of a distribution is a measure of central tendency, representing the average value of the data points. In this case, the mean is 2.89. The standard deviation, which measures the dispersion of data points around the mean, is missing from the question. The standard deviation provides information about the spread of data points and how closely they cluster around the mean.

Why use standard deviation and not average deviation?

Because the average deviation will always be zero.

Does standard deviation and mean deviation measure dispersion the same?

No. The average of the deviations, or mean deviation, will always be zero. The standard deviation is the average squared deviation which is usually non-zero.

Can a standard deviation be less than 1?

Yes. Standard deviation depends entirely upon the distribution; it is a measure of how spread out it is (ie how far from the mean "on average" the data is): the larger it is the more spread out it is, the smaller the less spread out. If every data point was the mean, the standard deviation would be zero!

How do I work out a graph if the average equals 883.58 and the standard deviation is 127.1534?

You cannot. There is no information about the distribution, or even what the graph is meant to display!

What is the mean and standard deviations and the standard normal distribution?

Mean is the average, sum total divided by total number of data entries. Standard deviation is the square root of the sum total of the data values divided by the total number of data values. The standard normal distribution is a distribution that closely resembles a bell curve.

The standard deviation is the square root of the average squared deviation of scores from the?


How is standard deviation different from mean absolute decation?

If I have understood the question correctly, despite your challenging spelling, the standard deviation is the square root of the average of the squared deviations while the mean absolute deviation is the average of the deviation. One consequence of this difference is that a large deviation affects the standard deviation more than it affects the mean absolute deviation.