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A good object that will float is a plastic container. It worked for me.

Yes a plastic container will work well it worked in my science class.

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Q: What is a good a object that will float holding marbles?
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Y object float in certain liquids?

well sometimes bcuz how the water is like lets say the oil it wouldn't be good to put objects to float.

What marbles are rare?

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There are many sites which one can sell vintage marbles. One can place an ad on eBay or Kijiji. On the Buy Marbles website, one can both purchase and sell vintage marbles.

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An object floats on water when its buoyant force — the force pushing it upward — is greater than its weight pulling it downward. This is determined by the object's density; if it is less dense than water, it will float, but if it is denser, it will sink. This is why objects like wood and certain plastics float, while objects like metal sink.

Does a float need carbonation?

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How about: "Marbles from nature - not the toy store".

How can you make something float sinks?

Yes you can make something that sinks float! All you have to do is add a good amount of salt.Answer:Objects will only float in liquid that is denser than the object. This gives you two options. You can either:increase the density of the liquid orreduce the density of the object.To increase the density of the liquid you can dissolve a solute into the liquid. Salt is one option, but a nice thick sugar solution would be even better. If the only criteria is that the object must float you could replace the liquid with very high density fluid like Mercury or molten metal. If the density is close to being "dense enough" simply cooling the liquid might be enough of a change.To decrease the density of the object you want to float is harder. You can change the shape of the object so it becomes like a boats hull or an empty gasoline drum.

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