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Q: What is a good estimate for the liquid volume of a kitchen sink?
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What is a good estimate for the volume found in a soda can?

A standard soda can typically holds around 12 ounces of liquid, with some variation depending on the specific brand and type of drink. To estimate the volume, you can use the dimensions of a standard soda can (e.g., height and diameter) to calculate the volume of a cylinder.

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Five laboratory apparatus use for measuring volume of liquid?

Graduated cylinder: Typically used for measuring liquid volume with good accuracy. Beaker: Can be used for approximate measurements of liquid volume. Pipette: Allows for precise measurement and transfer of liquid volume. Burette: Commonly used in titration experiments to measure liquid volume delivered. Volumetric flask: Used to prepare solutions of known precise volumes.

What is the smallest liquid measure?

a milliliter(mL) is the SI unit of volume and is a good measurement for small amount of liquid

State of matter with no definite shape but with definite volume?

The state of matter with no definite shape but with definite volume is a liquid. Liquids can take the shape of their container but have a constant volume that remains the same.

Is bono culina latin for good kitchen?

'Good kitchen' in Latin is 'bona culina.'

Is ash wood good for kitchen cabinets?

Yes, ash is good for kitchen cabinets.

What must be the density of the liquid if the data are good?

The density of a liquid should be consistent and reproducible across multiple measurements to ensure that the data are good. Typically, the density should be close to the accepted value for that particular liquid at a given temperature and pressure. Deviations from this value could indicate errors in the measurement or experimental setup.

What is the good salvation soup kitchen?

In the book, The Westing Game one of the characters owns a soup kitchen named Good Salvation Soup Kitchen

What property is required of a liquid in order for it to be a good fuel?

A good fuel should have a high energy content per unit volume (energy density). This means that the liquid should be able to release a large amount of energy when burned. Additionally, the liquid should be easy to transport, store, and handle safely.

What are the 3 state of matters?

The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. Solids have a fixed shape and volume, liquids have a fixed volume but take the shape of their container, and gases have neither a fixed shape nor volume.

What is mean by delay volume in HPLC analysis?

Delay volume in HPLC analysis refers to the volume of liquid in the system that is not actively participating in the separation process. It includes the volume of tubing, fittings, and the void volume of the column. Minimizing the delay volume is important for maintaining good chromatographic resolution and reducing analysis time.