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"The fireboat burnt and sank."

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Q: What is a good everyday life irony example?
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What is am example of ironic?

"The supreme "irony" of life is that nobody gets out alive"

Example of a machine in everyday life?

a toaster

In the poem Life Is Fine by Langston Hughes the jaunty rhythm contrasts with the poem's dark subject matter. This is an example of .?

It is an example of irony.

What is an example of an everyday life problem?

An example of an everyday problem is Autocorrect while typing and also being In a public area with terrible sanitation.

What is a simple example of partnership that happens in everyday life?

"Can you open this?"

What is a example of triangular pyramid in everyday life?

The Egyptian pyramids.

What is an example of expansion in everyday life?

Expansion in everyday life is setting achievable goals each day and working to The best of your ability to achieve them

What is an example of a pure substance in everyday life?

An example of a pure substance in everyday life is distilled water. It consists of only water molecules with no other substances or impurities present.

How is rubidium used in everyday life?

Pie is good.

Example in everyday life to explain this binary concept?

Flipping coins.

What is an example of irony in Life of Pi?

One example of irony in Life of Pi is when Pi, a vegetarian Hindu, is forced to eat meat in order to survive. This situation is ironic because it goes against his beliefs and values, highlighting the extreme circumstances he must endure in order to stay alive.

What is an example of Verbal Irony in Ads?

Irony is the opposite of its literal meaning. An example of an ironic ad is the ad for asbestos in 1981. It says "When life depends on it, you use asbestos". As we all know asbestos causes cancer so that is pretty ironic.