Very good!
Yeah i think its really good. I'm a 13 year old girl and my personal best for the 800m is 2.50.
WOW that's really good i got 132 IQ score and im 12 years old(girl)
Yes, but IQ has nothing to do with age. But your IQ will change in time if it is not.
126 Is Above Average I Got 126 Too :o
One good Tumbler URL for a 13 year old girl would be Tweenie. You could also name is something like Princess13. You do not want to put your actual name in the URL.
Yeah ya'll are good.
yes it is
there is no reasonable job for 9 yr old girl.
A 10 year old girl name
Well the best for an 11 year old girl is 28-35kg and some 35-40kg
It is possible if that 9 year old boy/girl is good at something that people would enjoy.
Unbelievebly good.
No. In my opinion, it sounds like something a 6 year-old girl would name her My Little Pony. Sorry.
is it a boy or a girl