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Q: What is a good ratio for cleaning an area 25' x 25' with bleach?
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Good cleaning supplies for a bathroom are Clorox bleach and Comet cleaning powder.

What is the bleach to water ratio mix to kill algae?

A common recommendation for killing algae is to mix 1 part bleach with 9 parts water (1:9 ratio). This solution can be applied directly to the affected area to help eliminate the algae. Be cautious when handling bleach and follow safety guidelines.

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A mixture of vinegar and water or a solution containing bleach can be effective in cleaning mold. It is important to ensure proper ventilation while using these solutions and to wear protective gear such as gloves and a mask. Additionally, always follow the manufacturer's instructions for any cleaning product being used.

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Bleach worked good for me

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If you are looking for information on what is a good roof cleaning service in your area, the best place to find the information is on

What is good for cleaning your vessel and does not harm lakes of rivers?

Water and a small amount of bleach are good for cleaning your vessel and they do not harm lakes or rivers. You can also purchase Simple Green or Fantastik Orange Action.

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Diluted bleach is a very good disinfectant, it kills all kinds of germs. Diluted bleach won't change the color as long as it is properly mixed.

Can bleaching your hair while pregnant damage the baby?

Is is safe to breath in bleach while pregnant? most cleaning products, including bleach are fine during pregnancy - as long as you work in a well ventilated area - and this would apply whether you were pregnant or not! cleaning ovens is not advisable as it is difficult to maintain good ventilation in such a small area. also keep in mind that that even though the cleaning products may be safe - an expectant mother should not be overly exerting herself with heavy lifting or overly exhuberant sure someone can help you in the short term....:)

Can you remove bleach stains from shoes?

Unfortunately, once bleach has caused a stain on shoes, it is difficult to remove it completely. You can try to cover up the stain with a marker or paint that matches the color of the shoe, but it may not completely erase the bleach stain. It's always a good idea to test any cleaning solution in a hidden area of the shoe first to ensure it doesn't cause further damage.

What is a good disinfectant for cleaning up pigeon poop?

You can't beat a solution of bleach and water, but be careful! Too much bleach could take color out of materials. NEVER use bleach on carpeting. There are many disinfectents that are on the grocery store shelf that will also work. We live in a society full of antibacterial products (which, by the way is not good for humans and we carry a natural and good bacteria on our skin.) Marcy In addition: Hospitals use a 10% bleach to 90% water solution in a spray bottle. This will sterilize the area sufficiently. spray the area, brush clean or use a broom and rinse with water. We used on the ambulance to sterilize where blood was spilled. It works on any surface.

What can you use instead of bleach to clean clothes?

You can use white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or baking soda as alternative options to bleach for cleaning clothes. These items can help to whiten and disinfect clothes without the harshness of bleach.