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Q: What is a graph that shows precipitation and temperature?
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A climate graph shows annual patterns of precipitation and which other climate related information direction or pressure or temperature?

A climate graph typically shows annual patterns of precipitation (usually in bars) and temperature (usually as a line graph). This graph helps visualize how temperature and precipitation levels fluctuate throughout the year in a specific location, providing insights into the climate of that area.

What type of graph show both temperature and precipitation?

A dual-axis graph can be used to show both temperature (on one axis) and precipitation (on another axis) on the same graph. Alternatively, a line graph can be used with two different lines representing temperature and precipitation over time.

What two kinds of information are shown in a climograph?

A climograph displays both temperature and precipitation data for a specific location. The temperature is usually shown as a line graph, while the precipitation is typically displayed as a bar graph.

The graph at the top of the second column of page 122 shows a condition in which there is what?

The graph likely shows a relationship between two variables, such as temperature and precipitation. It could illustrate a specific condition, like a drought or a heatwave, depending on the data being represented in the graph.

What is a climogram?

A graph that shows the climate of a specific region, by showing average data of temperature, precipitation, etc. on a month-by-month basis. Actually, It is a combination of Line and Bar graphs showing average monthly temperature (line) and average monthly Rainfall (bars) for a given place :) (Zion DG)

How can you tell what biome is represented in a graph of climate?

You can determine the biome represented in a graph of climate by looking at the average temperature and precipitation values. Biomes are typically classified based on these two factors. For example, if a graph shows high temperatures and low precipitation, it might represent a desert biome.

Climograph is made up of which 2 types of graphs?

Line graph - temperature Bar graph - precipitation

Why does a climograph use a line and bar graph?

A climograph uses a line graph to represent temperature and a bar graph to represent precipitation. This allows for a clear visualization of the temperature and precipitation patterns over a specific period of time. The combination of these two graphs makes it easier to compare and understand the relationship between temperature and precipitation in a given location.

What is a 'climate graph'?

A climate graph is a chart that shows what the weather is like overall in a certain place. E.g thunderstorms in Hawaii and a Tornado in Sydneya climate graph is a chart that shows what the weather is like overall in a certain place. similar to Climatograms.

What does a graph of Charles law shows the relationship between?

A graph of Charles Law shows the relationship between temperature and volume of gas.

What is a Tundra biome rainfall graph?

A Tundra biome rainfall graph shows the average precipitation levels in a tundra region over a specific period of time, typically by month. Tundra biomes are characterized by low amounts of precipitation, usually less than 10 inches annually, with most of the precipitation falling as snow during the winter months. The graph may display peaks in precipitation during the summer months due to increased melting of snow and ice.

A graph of charles's law shows the relationship between?

A graph of Charles' Law shows the relationship between Volume vs. Temperature. Volume is placed on the y axis and temperature on the x axis. The relationship is linear if temperature is in units of Kelvin.