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In geology, an era is a greater unit than an epoch. Elsewhere the two words are synonymous.

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Q: What is a greater unit of time and era or an epoch?
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What is the smallest unit of time on the geologic time scale?

The smallest unit of time on the geologic time scale is an epoch, which typically lasts millions of years. It is used to divide periods into smaller segments based on significant changes in Earth's history.

What are the basic unit of the geological time scale?

The smallest unit of geologic time is an age, followed by epoch, period, era, eon, and super eon.

Can you write an example sentence with era period and epoch?

The Jurassic era, which lasted from approximately 201 to 145 million years ago, is characterized by the dominance of dinosaurs. In the middle of the Jurassic period, the Tithonian epoch saw the evolution of larger predators like Allosaurus and Stegosaurus.

What is the next smaller division of geologic time after era?

The next smaller division of geologic time after era is period. Periods are further divided into smaller units called epochs.

What is history divided into time known as?

An epoch, an era, or an age.

Which is larger an era or an epoch?

An epoch is longer than an era. An epoch can last for more than one lifetime.

What division of geologic time is smaller than an era?

A period is smaller than an era in the geologic time scale. It is further subdivided into epochs and ages.

Which era period and epoch do we live in now?

We live in the Cenozonic Era and the Holocene Epoch.

What is a large division of time?

A large division of time can be called an era, epoch, or eon.

What is the oldest epoch in the Cenozoic era?

The oldest epoch in the Cenozoic era is the Paleocene epoch, which lasted from about 66 to 56 million years ago. It followed the extinction of the dinosaurs and saw the rise of mammals as the dominant land animals.

What is a three letter word for epoch?

epoch - era

What is the opposite of epoch?

Epoch is an age signifying change, a new era. Hence, it has no active antonym.