A large division of time can be called an era, epoch, or eon.
In math, the students are working on division and multiplication. She works in the sales division of a large, successful company.
It depends on what type of division your doing.
The horizontal sweep of an oscilloscope is in time per division or seconds per division.
IT does not matter what sort of division you use, 6 will go into 69 : 16 times.
A large division of time can be called an era, epoch, or eon.
The cecum is the widest division of the large intestine. It is located at the beginning of the large intestine, where the small intestine meets the large intestine.
A calculator.
Time Division Multiple Access. Or even Time Division Multiplexed Access.
In math, the students are working on division and multiplication. She works in the sales division of a large, successful company.
It depends on what type of division your doing.
Frequency-division multiplexing, wavelength-division multiplexing, and time-division multiplexing.
sigmond colon
The last time the Lions won their division was in 1993.
Cell division
the main source of cohesion and division within Congress.
The major division in Saturn's rings is called the Cassini Division. It is a large region that separates Saturn's rings into two main sections.