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It is the Cartesian plane

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Q: What is a grid that has an x and y-axis to plot points?
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Related questions

When would you need to plot points on a coordinate grid?

You need an x axis, y axis, and 4 quadrants.

What are the different ways of describing points?

Points on a grid? It would then be x,y and z coordinates

What direction does each of the yaxis run?

up and down. the x goes left and right

What is a line connecting points on a coordinate grid called?

x and y axis

Which point is located on the x axis of the coordinate grid?

There are infinitely many points located on the x axis.

How does one use a coordinate grid?

A coordinate grid is made of up a horizontal X-axis and a vertical Y-axis. One uses the numbers along each axis to plot points. Points are listed as coordinates in an (X, Y) format. To graph a point on a coordinate grid you need to mark the point at which the X value and Y value intersect. For example, if you had a given point of (2, 5), you would find the line corresponding to 2 on the X-axis and you would find the line corresponding to 5 on the Y-axis. Wherever these two lines cross on the coordinate grid, you make a point. Simple as that!

How do you graph x plus y equals 9?

its easier solve for y an plot the corresponding pointsyou,ll get Y=-x+9 an then you find your coordinate points-2,11-1,100,91,82,73,6etcand then plot those points

What do the x's on a line plot means?

They are the data points, plotted on the appropriate coordinates!

How can you tell if two points lie along the same grid linejust by looking at the ordered pairs?

If both points have either the same 'x' value or the same 'y' value, then they both lie on the same grid line.

How Sketch a plot of f(x)xlxl?

Make a table: for some different values of x, calculate the value of the function. Plot the points on a graph, and join them by lines.

How can you tell if two points lie along the same grid line just by looking at the ordered pairs?

If both points have either the same 'x' value or the same 'y' value, then they both lie on the same grid line.

When a scatter plot's x y points are all pretty close to the line of best fit then how would you describe the relationship between the points?

The (x,y) points can be approximated by a linear equation. The (x,y) points are almost linearly related.