The name of a two-digit number that has eight letters is "ninety-nine." This number is spelled out as "N-I-N-E-T-Y-H-I-N-E" which consists of eight letters.
The month of the year that has thirty days and eight letters is November. All the months that have thirty days include:SeptemberAprilJuneNovember
a eight sided shape is called a octagon.
Letters of the alphabets.
There is no formula: it is a process of swapping letters in a systematic manner.
A group of eight anything is called an "octet".
Verazano Narrows Bridge
Kirby Air Ride has eight players, with the lan connection only.
There are four states in the United States with eight letters: Maryland, Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.
An eight-letter word for a treeless tract in a forest is a clearing. It could also be called an open area. There are other names, but they do not have eight letters. Of course, if using open area for a crossword puzzle, the space would need to be omitted.
A word that has eight letters is pictures
Seven letters - not eight letters listed in question Bushier
Weights- take away the 'w' and 's' and you get 'eight'- weights
An Octet.
I believe it was a comedy called Major League.