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Q: What is a half circle with the lines going through it mean?
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What Is A Twenty Meter Half Circle In Dressage?

going in a circle but cutting it half way through like doing a circle at E over to B and continuing on the rail at B

What are symmetery lines?

If you take a circle for example, a line of symmetry is any line that can go through that circle and if you fold the circle in half it will be equal. So a line of symmetry is a line that you divide any shape in half with and have both halves be the same.

Meaning of diameter in a circle?

The diameter of a circle is the length of the circle from one side to the other, going through the middle of the circle. The radius is the measurement of length from the middle of the circle to the perimeter of the circle. This is half of the diameter.

Are longitudes complete circles How?

No. Each longitude "line" is a half-circle, going from the north pole to the south pole. On the other side of the Earth, the "other half of the circle" has a different longitude measurement. Longitude lines are measured east or west of the Prime Meridian, which passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England.

How many lines of symmetry does a half circle has?

Only one

Could you explain the radius of a circle?

The radius of a circle is the distance from the center of the circle to the outer edge Also known as half of the diameter. The diameter is the distance from opposite edges of the circle going through the centre.

How can you draw a jellyfish that is easy to draw?

draw a half circle and alternate lines coming out of it with straight and wavy lines.

What is Half the distance through the circle is called?

The radius

What does perpendicular mean mathematicalywhat is radius?

Perpindicular lines are like the lines in the letter "T". The intersect each other at a 90 degree angle. A radius is the distance from the center of the circle to the circle itself. It is half the circle's diameter.

Why does your box only say boot then switch to a half circle with lines in the middle and not turn on?

Why do I get lines on my converter box after it says boot

How many lines of symmetry are there on a perfect cirlcle?

There is an infinite number of lines across a circle that form two symmetric half-circles.

What is the symbol for the duplex receptacle?

The symbol for a duplex receptacle in electrical schematics is typically shown as two parallel lines with a half-circle or semi-circle on top, representing the two outlets in the receptacle. It is commonly used to represent a standard electrical outlet in building plans or diagrams.