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Q: What is a high uplifted area with steep slopes that are higher than a hill?
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A high uplifted area with steep slopes?

A mountain is a high, uplifted area with steep slopes. Mountains are large elevated area that rises from level ground. They are large and steep hills.

What is a High uplifted area with steep slopes?

its a plateau

What is a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it.?

A plateau is a large area of flat land that is higher in elevation than the surrounding land. Plateaus typically have steep cliffs or slopes on at least one side.

What is an area of flat land higher than the surruonding country?

An area of flat land higher than the surrounding country is known as a plateau. Plateaus are elevated flat areas of land that are usually bordered by steep slopes. They can be formed by volcanic activity, tectonic forces, or erosion.

What is the Higher area plains or plateau?

A plateau is higher than plains. Plateaus are elevated flatlands with steep sides and an extensive flat top, whereas plains are low-lying flat areas with gentle slopes. Plateaus are generally found at higher elevations than plains.

What is an elevated piece of land?

An elevated piece of land is a raised area above the surrounding terrain, such as a hill, mountain, or plateau. It typically offers a higher vantage point and may have steep slopes or cliffs.

What natural disaster occurs when a wild fire has occurred?

If a fire has occurred on an area with steep slopes heavy rainfall may trigger landslides and mudflows.

What is a characteristic of upwarped mountains?

Upwarped mountains are characterized by their broad, gentle slopes and large surface area. They are formed when tectonic forces push large sections of the Earth's crust upwards, creating a broad uplifted region. Examples of upwarped mountains include the Adirondack Mountains in New York.

How close the contour lines are an indication of an area's what?

The proximity of contour lines indicates the steepness of the terrain in a particular area. Closely spaced contour lines suggest a steep slope, while widely spaced contour lines suggest a gentle slope.

What is a mountainous terrain?

A mountainous terrain is an area of land that is characterized by the presence of mountains, or elevated landforms with steep slopes and high elevation. Mountainous terrains often feature rugged landscapes, limited vegetation, and can be challenging to navigate due to the steep terrain.

What is called an area of elevated flat land?

An area of elevated flat land is called a plateau. Plateaus are flat areas of high ground that are usually separated from surrounding areas by steep slopes or cliffs.

Raised area of flat land?

Plateau - a raised area of flat land with steep slopes on one or more sides.