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balls and/or weiners in your mouth

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Q: What is a holocaust term for x?
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When was the term Holocaust invented?

The term holocaust was first used in biblical writings. Holocaust means a sacrifice. OLD testament

Where did the term Pogrom originate during the holocaust?

The term Pogrom did not originate during the Holocaust.

What was the term that was used to describe the extermination of the Jews during World War II?

Holocaust. It is estimated that six million Jews, were murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust

What was the term used to describe the extermination of the Jews during World War 2?

The Holocaust. The Nazis themselves called it the Final Solution [of the Jewish Question.

Is there a special name or term for someone who died in the Holocaust?

They are usually referred to as Holocaust victims.

Is Holocaust the correct name?

Since about 1980, the term the Holocaust has become pretty much standard.

Definition of Shoah?

another term for the Holocaust

When did the Holocaust come to be called the Holocaust?

The term the Holocaust only came into widespread use in the late 1970s after the showing of the TV miniseries with that title.

What are X words related to holocaust?

X-rays, they were used at Auschitz

What do x-rays have to do with the Holocaust?

Nothing I can think of.

What is the word for the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis?

The term is the Holocaust.

The Holocaust occurred during World War 2. The term Holocaust refers to?

Jews controlling Central banking