

What is a horizontal distance?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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14y ago

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The horizontal distance is the straight-line distance between two points on a map without including any extra distance because of following the upward and downward slopes of hills and valleys.

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Q: What is a horizontal distance?
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What is the horizontal distance formula?

The answer depends on the context: If you have a distance vector of magnitude V, that is inclined at an angle q to the horizontal, then the horizontal distance is V*cos(q).

What is the horizontal distance between called?

It is called the displacement in the horizontal direction.

When coordinates of two geographical points are known and we calculate the distance between them Is the calculated distance the horizontal distance or the actual distance?

The horizontal distance. Points of latitude and longitude can't account for elevation.

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if the speed is zero then the distance versus time line will be horizontal

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The horizontal distance a projectile travels is called range.

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The weapon should be fired at a 45-degree angle from the horizontal to achieve the minimum distance traveled by the projectile. This angle maximizes the range (horizontal distance) of the projectile by balancing the vertical and horizontal components of its velocity. At any other angle, the total distance traveled would be greater.

What is the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile?

The horizontal distance traveled by a projectile is determined by the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it was launched, and the time of flight. It can be calculated using the equation: horizontal distance = (initial velocity * time * cosine of launch angle).

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1.079 ins

If you keep the velocity of projection constant and change the angle of projection from 75 to 45 what will happen to the horizontal distance the projectile travels?

The horizontal distance will be doubled.

What is the ratio of the vertical distance to the horizontal distance?

It is a measure of the average gradient or slope.

What is the vertical distance from 9 to 135?

On a horizontal number line, the distance is 0!

In a distance vs time graph if the line is perfectly horizontal what does that mean about the velocity of the object?
