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Q: What is a horizontal line or surface starting with L?
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What kind of line is a horizontal line?

A horizontal line is side-to-side like the horizon of the Earth: _______________________________________________________ ...not vertical, which is up and down: l l l l l l l l

What does horizontal mean if i am using a linegraph?

H for horizontal. You may remember this by the letter H. Remember the ' - ' as the horizontal line which connects the ' l ' and ' l ' in the alphabet 'H'. ------------------- <-- This is a horizontal line. | | | | <-- This is a vertical line. | |

What letters have horizontal and vertical line symmetry?

I, O, l, and H

What is the symbole for perpendicular?

The symbol for perpendicular is a straight vertical line resting on a horizontal line just like a 'T' which is upside down.∟ or ┴

Which letters in the alphabet have both a vertical line of symmetry and a horizontal line of symmetry?

O, l, S, Z

What is the sign of 50000 in Roman Numerals?

(L) or L with an horizontal line above the numeral. Numerals in brackets or a line above them indicate multiplication by a thousand. Therefore: L = 50 and 50*1000 = 50000

Which comes next in the pattern of a horizontal line a L shape and a triangle a right triangle a square a rhombus or a vertical line?

a square

What way does a vertical line go?

It goes up like this ----> l

Example of verticle and horizontal lines?

______________________________ That is an example of a horizontal line. Know here is a vertical l Here is parallel = Now here is a perpendicular line +

Which capital letter has horizontal lines and oblique line segment?


Which letter has a line of symmetry K L Q or T?

' K ' has a horizontal one. ' T ' has a vertical one.

Capital letters with no line of symmetry?

The letters F,G,J,L,N,P,Q,R,Z have no line of symmetry in the verticle or horizontal.