Whose numerator is greater then denominator is improper fraction.
An improper number is when the numerator is larger than the denominator which is named a improper fraction.
You do not do anything. An improper fraction IS a real number.
Some numbers are improper fractions and some are not. For example, 1/2 or 0.5 is a number but not an improper fraction. And there is no way in which you can express it as an improper fraction.
If you are using the same number, then the improper fraction and mixed number are equal.
Improper Fraction.
An improper number is when the numerator is larger than the denominator which is named a improper fraction.
You do not do anything. An improper fraction IS a real number.
Some numbers are improper fractions and some are not. For example, 1/2 or 0.5 is a number but not an improper fraction. And there is no way in which you can express it as an improper fraction.
If you are using the same number, then the improper fraction and mixed number are equal.
Improper Fraction.
An Improper Fraction is when the top number is bigger than the bottom number
Proper is when the smaller number is on the top, while improper is when the bigger number is on top instead of the smaller number.
An Improper Fraction is when the top number is bigger than the bottom number
you look at the big number first.
No because that would take you back to square one... And the improper fraction or number would have to be taken through the correct process again to figure the mixed number.
43 is an integer, not an improper fraction nor a mixed number.
When the remainder is zero the answer is a whole number. Put that number over 1 for an improper fraction.