A line is a group of points on a straight path that extends to infinity <------------>
A line
There are 2 arrows. Press the intersection of the 2 imaginary line made by the arrows. This will turn the line green above the dooor
Angles providing the that line end segments meet each other
It's a segment, and you name a segment the same way you name a line, except you remove the 2 arrows (pointing to the left and right), so It'll look like this __ AE If the 2 points are A and E, but you get my point
A line.
A line
There are 2 arrows. Press the intersection of the 2 imaginary line made by the arrows. This will turn the line green above the dooor
In Mathematics it may indicate parallel lines. In Chemistry it may indicate a reversible reaction.
Angles providing the that line end segments meet each other
It's a segment, and you name a segment the same way you name a line, except you remove the 2 arrows (pointing to the left and right), so It'll look like this __ AE If the 2 points are A and E, but you get my point
A line.
it is called a coefficient
a 2 line stanza is called a couplet.
Golden arrows that caused love and lead arrows that stopped it.
Indeed it does, my good man. See, if just one end has an arrow, then it is a ray, and if neither end has an arrow, it is a line segment.
2 points. However, the farther apart the 2 points the striaghter the line will be, unless you move the straight edge!!.
(x^1, y^1) + (x^2, y^2)