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Q: What is a line that bends continuously not a line that is straight or broken?
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What does a squiggly line look like?

A line that is drawn not straight but with lots of bends.

What does straight mean?

Straight is defined as continuing in the same direction, without bends or curves; such as a line. In slang terminology, straight means heterosexual.

An object is kept in orbit?

The object is moving forward at high speed and tends to travel in a straight line. But the gravitational pull of the Sun causes it to accelerate towards the Sun. The combined effect is that the object's path bends sideways, continuously.

How much bends in international date line?

The International Date Line creates a total of 41 bends to accommodate the political boundaries of different countries and territories. This causes the line to deviate from a straight north-south path.

What is meant by a straight line in an organizational chart?

A straight line in an organization chart is a line that is not broken up. When you see this, it means the person connected to the line is your superior.

What are the advantages of line bending plastics?

Straight bends are produced very efficientlySet up costs are lowNo tooling is involved

How do you define a straight line without saying anything about curves or bends or angles?

It is the shortest distance between two points.

What are 1 demintional figures?

A line is the only 1-dimensional figure, but only while it's a straight line. As soon as it turns or bends, it's then 2-dimensional.

When the speed of the body moving in an straight line changes continuously then the body acquires?

When the speed of a body moving in a straight line changes continuously, the body acquires acceleration. This acceleration could be either positive (speeding up) or negative (slowing down), depending on whether the speed is increasing or decreasing.

What is the homonym of strait?

The homonym of "strait" is "straight." "Strait" refers to a narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water, while "straight" means without curves or bends.

Why is the international dateline not in a straight line?

The International Date Line follows the 180th meridian to prevent dividing countries into two different calendar days. It bends around certain territories and islands to ensure that each country remains within a single day. This results in the International Date Line not being a straight line.

What is a Simple linear fracture to the coccyx?

The coccyx is broken in two pieces along a straight line