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Q: What is a liniar equation?
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What is an equation that contains a variable?

It is an equation. It could be an algebraic equation, or a trigonometric equation, a differential equation or whatever, but it is still an equation.

How are addition and multiplication used to solve a linear equation?

The multiplication is used to solve a liniar equation is when you have for example x/5=10 when you have a number divided by another number you need to multiply both sides with the denominator of x to get the number. In this case the answer is 50. Lets check 50/5=10 10=10 yes its right Addition is used to answer a linear equation when you have for example this equation: x-5=20 To get the answer you need to add the opposite o the number adding/subtracing x. In this example it is -5. So when you add the opposite you need to add 5 this will end up with x=25 lets check 25-5=20. yes its correct now lets use all the learning so far. to start lets start with an equation. x/2-5=10 first we will need to add 5 x/2=15 second we need to divide/multiply x=30 third you need to check 30/2-5=10 15-5=10 10=10 yes its correct

What is an equation that relates quantities represented by variables?

Simply that, an "equation".Simply that, an "equation".Simply that, an "equation".Simply that, an "equation".

Do you answer an equation?

you don't answer an equation, you solve an equation

What is a equation that is the inverse of the exponential equation?

Logarithmic equation

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A logarithmic equation would be any equation that includes the log function.

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to elaberate: lets say "T" is and has always been equal to time and "H" is equal to "Here" (or placement). R is replicate, O is ovate. OR is replicated squared. "T" is also equal to a quam; thus time is square, not liniar.

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numbers are equation because there are numbers in equation which make numbers equation

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The equation is "What = ?"

What is x in this equation?

what is the equation