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Q: What is a logistic function in terms of a rate of change.?
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The rate of change of any nonlinear function is constant?

No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.

How does one figure the rate of change?

The rate of change of a function is found by taking the derivative of the function. The equation for the derivative gives the rate of change at any point. This method is used frequently in calculus.

Which statement describes the rate of change of the following function?

Which statement describes the rate of change of the following function?f(x) = -6x - 9

How do you find the average rate of change for a linear function?

A linear function has a constant rate of change - so the average rate of change is the same as the rate of change.Take any two points, A = (p,q) and B = (r, s) which satisfy the function. Then the rate of change is(q - s)/(p - r).If the linear equation is given:in the form y = mx + c then the rate of change is m; orin the form ax + by + c = 0 [the standard form] then the rate is -a/b.

How do you determine if a rate of change is constant?

You can determine if a rate of change is constant, by taking the instantaneous rate of change at multiple points - if they are all equal to each other, it can be assumed that the rate of change is constant. Alternatively, you can differentiate the function (if there is an associated function) - if this comes to a constant i.e. a number, then the rate of change is constant.

What is the amount of increase or decrease in a function?

The amount of increase or decrease in a function is determined by the difference between the final value and the initial value of the function. If the final value is greater than the initial value, there is an increase; if the final value is less than the initial value, there is a decrease. The magnitude of this difference indicates the extent of the change in the function.

What is determinants of price elasticity of demand?

The rate of change of price and the rate of change of demand as a function of price.

What is the rate of change for the linear function y equals 2x plus 3?

The rate of change for the linear (not liner) function, y = 2x +/- 3 is 2.

What is the rate of change of a linear function?

It will just be the gradient of the function, which should be constant in a linear function.

What does rate of change mean in math?

A rate of change in a variable Y, if not further qualified, is the change in Y for a unit change in time. However, the rate of change may be defined in terms of a unit change in some other variable (X). In graphical terms, the rate of change for a straight line is its gradient whereas for a curve, the rate of change at a point is the gradient of the tangent to the curve (if a tangent can be defined).

What function does the slope of a line model?

rate of change

Is the following function linear or nonlinear If linear, state the rate of change?

o function is given. However, if linear , then the rate of change is the same as the steepness of the graph line.