'i' is often used to represent the imaginary part of a complex number, and is equal to the square root of -1.
asdfasdf well ^ that was a stupid answer but yes it is a math word
somhing that has to do with math
The full word form for math is mathematics. Note: "Maths" is not a word.
Tagalog translation of Math: Matematika
No!! Its a science word!! you need math to calculate density but the word is a physics word
Another word for math is ...matholagy
asdfasdf well ^ that was a stupid answer but yes it is a math word
The word is algebraic. It is a type of math equation.
somhing that has to do with math
The full word form for math is mathematics. Note: "Maths" is not a word.
Math is named after the Greek word "mathēmatikē".
Some math words ending with -THSEighteenthsEighthsEightiethsEleventhsFifteenthsFifthsFiftiethsFortiethsFourteenthsFourthsHundredthsMathsNineteenthsNinetiethsNinthsSeventeenthsSeventhsSeventiethsSixteenthsSixthsSixtiethsTenthsThirteenthsThirtiethsTwelfthsTwentieths
Math word problems.
math stem
what word comes to mind when you hear the word math
The translation of the word "math" into Filipino is: "matematika"