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Q: What is a measure of effect size used for an independent-samples t test?
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How does sample size effect the test statistic?

The larger the sample size, the more accurate the test results.

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when both variables consist of more than two categories

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To test mirror magnification, you can place a ruler at a known distance from the mirror and measure the size of the reflected image. By comparing the size of the image to the actual size on the ruler, you can determine the magnification factor of the mirror.

Ways to test if the size of a ball has a effect on how far it goes?

Yes , the affect of the ball does matter of how far it goes.

What does the test statistic measure?

The test statistic is a measure of how close the sample proportion is to the null value.

Indicates the ability of a test to measure what it actually is supposed to measure?

This is known as the validity of a test. It is the degree to which a test accurately measures what it claims to measure. High validity indicates that the test is accurately assessing the intended construct or concept.

What are Test Sieve Shakers?

Suppose you have a solution with particles floating in it. You can use a test sieve to measure the size of the particles. The shaker mentioned in the question shakes the sieve in the controlled way so the particles can be measured accurately.

How would you know your riqht bra size?

The best thing is to ask the ladies at the store. They can measure your chest and they are also very good at seeing what cupsize you are. That is something you have to test to find out, not measure. The majority of all women have the wrong size bra so do yourself a favor and get it right from the beginning.

What is the instrument used to measure diameter of testtube?

A micrometer or caliper can be used to measure the diameter of a test tube accurately. These tools provide precise measurements by directly reading the diameter of the test tube in millimeters.

Can cranberry juice effect a urine test for Oxycontin vicodin valieum?

no but it can effect a urine test for marijuana

When is it valid to use a one-tailed test?

A one-tailed test should be used only in a study in which an effect in the unexpected direction is functionally equivalent to no effect. It is not appropriate to use a one-tailed test simply because one is able to specify the expected direction of the effect prior to running the study. In medicine, for example, we typically expect that the new procedure will improve the cure rate, but a finding that it decreases the cure rate would still be important, since it would demonstrate a possible flaw in the underlying theory. For a given effect size, sample size, and alpha, a one-tailed test is more powerful than a two-tailed test (a one-tailed test with alpha set at .05 has approximately the same power as a two-tailed test with alpha set at .10). However, the number of tails should be set based on the substantive issue (will an effect in the reverse direction be meaningful).

When is it valid to use a one tailed test?

A one-tailed test should be used only in a study in which an effect in the unexpected direction is functionally equivalent to no effect. It is not appropriate to use a one-tailed test simply because one is able to specify the expected direction of the effect prior to running the study. In medicine, for example, we typically expect that the new procedure will improve the cure rate, but a finding that it decreases the cure rate would still be important, since it would demonstrate a possible flaw in the underlying theory. For a given effect size, sample size, and alpha, a one-tailed test is more powerful than a two-tailed test (a one-tailed test with alpha set at .05 has approximately the same power as a two-tailed test with alpha set at .10). However, the number of tails should be set based on the substantive issue (will an effect in the reverse direction be meaningful).