The only multiple of 7 that is a Prime number is 7 itself. A prime number is a number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. Since 7 is only divisible by 1 and 7, it is a prime number. Any other multiple of 7 would have additional divisors, making it a composite number.
Any number that is not a multiple of 7.Any number that is not a multiple of 7.Any number that is not a multiple of 7.Any number that is not a multiple of 7.
11 is a prime number.
It is a multiple of 7.
no its not because 7 is a prime number
91 is a multiple of 7. 41 is a prime number.
Any number that is not a multiple of 7.Any number that is not a multiple of 7.Any number that is not a multiple of 7.Any number that is not a multiple of 7.
11 is a prime number.
It is a multiple of 7.
It is a multiple of 7.
It is a multiple of 7.
no its not because 7 is a prime number
91 is a multiple of 7. 41 is a prime number.
No - nor is it a factor of 7.
No two digit prime number exists that is a multiple of 7. All two digit numbers that are multiples of 7 are compositenumbers.
A prime multiple is when a number is expressed as the product of its prime factors as for example: 2*3*5*7 = 210