

What is a negative interval?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is a negative interval?
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What is the interval of increase?

There is no specific interval, especially if you define a decrease as a negative increase.

What is the interval for negative twelve is less than g less than negative two?

That's the description of the interval. It means that "g" is between the numbers specified.

How do you find range of a negative number?

The range of a negative number is the infinite interval, x < 0.

If the derivative of a function equals xsquared - 2divided byx on which intervals is f decreasing?

f(x) is decreasing on the interval on which f'(x) is negative. So we want: (x2-2)/x<0 For this to be true either the numerator or the denominator (but not both) must be negative. On the interval x>0, the numerator is negative for 0<x<sqrt(2) and the denominator is positive for all x>0. On the interval x<0, the denominator is negative for all values on this interval. The numerator is positive on this interval for x<-sqrt(2). So, f' is negative (and f is decreasing) on the intervals: (-infinity, -sqrt(2)), (0, sqrt(2))

What is An increase of speed during a given interval of time is called negative acceleration?

Actually, an increase in speed during a given interval of time is called acceleration, not negative acceleration. Negative acceleration, also known as deceleration, refers to a decrease in speed over time.

Is an increase of speed during a given interval of time is called negative acceleration?


Which interval notation represents the set of all real numbers from negative 3 to 5 but not including negative 3?

(-3, 5] = {x : -3 < x ≤ 5}

In a chosen coordinate system can you have a negative value in the time interval of an object in motion?

Yes, in certain coordinate systems, it is possible to have a negative value for the time interval of an object in motion. This can occur, for example, when using spacetime diagrams in special relativity where different observers may have different perspectives on the direction of time.

An increase of speed during a given interval of time is called negative acceleration?

No, an increase in speed during a given interval of time is called acceleration. Negative acceleration, also known as deceleration, refers to a decrease in speed over time.

An increase of speed during a given interval of time is called negative acceleration.?

No, it's only the acceleration. By (-)ve acceleration ,it means retardation or deceleration..

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What is an increase of speed during a given interval of time?

Acceleration is an increase in speed during a given interval of time. It measures how quickly an object's velocity is changing. Acceleration can be positive (speeding up), negative (slowing down), or zero (constant speed).