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Q: What is a number considered significant by the Arabic Alchemists?
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What Arabic number is Mcml?

If you mean the Roman numeral of MCML then nowadays it is considered to be the equivalent of the Arabic number 1950

Why is 5 dogs an unlimited significant digit?

Five dogs can be considered to have an unlimited number of significant digits because the zero after the decimal point can be considered significant. As a result, the number 5.0 dogs has an indefinite number of significant digits.

How did the scientist differ from the alchemists?

Alchemists tried to make GOLD from base metals. Scientists know that theoretically Gold can only be made by altering the number of protons in an atom. Alchemists did NOT know about protons etc., .

How significant figures are in the number 7.405?

There are four significant figures in the number 7.405. These include the digits 7, 4, 0, and 5, all of which are considered significant in defining the precision of the number.

The number 0.00340 has how many significant figures?

The number 0.00340 has three significant figures. The zeros in front of the 3 are considered significant in this case because they are at the end of the number and after the decimal point.

Determine the number of significant figures of 2603000?

There are four significant figures in the number 2603000. Zeros at the end of a number are considered significant if they are to the right of the decimal point or if they are after a non-zero digit.

Determine the number of scientific figures in 56mL?

There are two significant figures in 56 mL. The first two digits are considered significant because they are non-zero digits. Zeros at the end of a number without a decimal point are not considered significant figures.

How many significant figures are there in 625000?

There are four significant figures in 625,000. The zeros in the middle of the number are considered significant because they help pinpoint the magnitude of the number.

How many significant figures are in 007?

There is only one significant figure which is the 7. When zeros are placed before a number, they are not considered significant figures.

How many significant figures is 2.0e5?

The number 2.0e5 has two significant figures. The "2" and the "0" are both considered significant.

What is the significant figure for 20kg?

The significant figure for 20kg is 2, as the trailing zero(s) after the whole number are not considered significant in this case.

How many significant figures does 00100 have?

The number 00100 has three significant figures. Leading zeroes are not considered significant, so only the non-zero digits in the number are counted.